

 I apologise forehand if I am going to offend
that is not the intention. I hope something
positive will result from this ranting
It is not about me
it is about, what we
have become

I do what I do
I get scolded, rebuked and rejected
I do not care what others think
about me and call myself slave
doulos, malamban, boer
"Daddy you are obnoxious,you
embarrassed me."
I hear you darling child, I hear you
please understand. I have to do what I do
maybe I can change my demeanour
maybe I can be less forceful
maybe I can back of
I am sorry I embarrass you
I am not sorry I challenged that person
I am not sorry I insisted on what is right
and was not complacent about what is needed
I see an image of a man being brutally murdered
in full view of onlookers and the whole
barbaric incident was recorded for the world to see
I saw a poor woman being embarrassed
in front of her friends because
she was instantly branded a thief
she wanted a pair of sneakers that was donated
by kind and generous people
it was a gift to her and she was branded
a thief because she laid claim to the gift
I begged to be allowed to give the
displaced a warm cup of tea instead
of a cold container of Oros  juice
in the bitter morning cold
and was shot down three times
without explanation without reason
I asked for one more blanket for
a displaced person, who had to flee
for his life for the second time
and I was rejected bluntly and
told it is too early, we are too busy, we will
attend to it later
and then reprimanded in a raised voice
"the Red Cross gave THEM 500 blankets
last night"
really 500 blankest for 1000 displaced people
sleeping on the ground in tents in the cold while it is raining.
do your math dear important custodian of other's generosity
Then I was told I can leave because "you work against ME"
because I allowed a vehicle in, loaded with fresh bread
and was told, we do not accept bread, without explanation
without being informed beforehand I was chased away
in front of my child who blamed me for being obnoxious
The very next  morning people who really care and are
skilled and equipped went and bought bread because
they did not have enough to give the displaced breakfast
they made warm tea on a small one plate gas stove
I was elated, I was full of joy, there are people
who understand the term Ubuntu
I cut my finger in my food processor preparing food
and was told, "let me put salt on it", by a kind
generous church Auntie and had to wrap my hand
in a dishcloth as I was bleeding all over the place.
Then this kind gentleman mocked me for being a sissy
and pretending that I am injured because I am
too lazy to cook.
I offered my help elsewhere because I Care
my wife and child remained on their posts
in that place of desolation called a Church
Seven years ago it was different. Seven years ago
we could cope. seven years ago we distributed freely
and shared with other charities.
 we prepared warm tea and baby formula
we catered for twice the amount of people
there was harmony, there was no shouting
there was understanding and leadership and caring
I was allowed to enter the premises at 6 AM
to start preparations,to be ready for
The Red Cross volunteers to serve breakfast
To accept prepared sandwiches from schools
and other organisations in time for breakfast
It was just me and the caretaker that time of the morning
we did what had to be done willingly with
light hearts, we sacrificed our time and energy
because we cared,we lived Ubuntu.
The same place was an Oasis of hope
a Beacon of Giving and care
a happy place, a Godly place
a warm place
in the freezing cold
what changed?
two people
that is what
that is all
that changed
I am sorry "K"
that I embarrassed you
I do what I do
I am doulos

1 comment:

  1. The same place was an Oasis of hope

    a Beacon of Giving and care

    a happy place, a Godly place

    a warm place

    in the freezing cold

    what changed?

    two people

    that is what

    that is all

    that changed

    I am sorry "K"

    that I embarrassed you

    I do what I do
