
The Sin of the.....

The sin
This is K
I had K created
As part of my brand
However the person
Who K represents
Do not really care or does she
Let me begin 14 years ago
I get a phone call to meet my wife
At the JSE in central JHB
It was still in Diagonal Street
Like a lamb to slaughter
I thought, struggling through
Lunchtime traffic
She is exited
And hands me a sonar image
An so at the age of 40
I am once again to be a father
And I could never
In my wildest dreams,know
How this would change my life
I now know about Hip Hop
I was one of the shy boys
That decorated the far wall
At school parties
Had two left feet
And a mouth full of crumbs
Could not even speak
I also know about Drama and acting
I watched a child grow
Who is so like me
It is scary
Or rather
How I would have been
If I was not told
Hit him and If you do not
I am leaving
You are not my son
I do not have sissies for sons
And so I became a boxer
Did judo
Played rugby
Did gymnastics
While my soul slowly died
Inside of me
A soul that wanted
To write poetry
To paint to sculpt
And even now
At 54 I am rather
Ham-handed when I write
Not K
I allowed her
To be
What she wants to be
And she is a joy
Artistic, energetic
And yes shy
But also confident
I live my life over
Watching her do
All the things, I did not do
I wanted to win back
My mother’s love
She inspires me
Amazes me
Makes me laugh
She is teaching
A grateful Old dog
New tricks
Peace and love be with you my children friends
Of any age culture or religion
Never grow up
Be what you are

1 comment:

  1. I live my life over

    Watching her do

    All the things, I did not do


    I wanted to win back

    My mother’s love

    She inspires me

    Amazes me

    Makes me laugh

    She is teaching

    A grateful Old dog

    New tricks
