The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
I wrote earlier
a year ago?
It was June 2013
Is greeting
I believe strongly.
That we the people
Of this splendid country
Have a future
I believe there
Are enough brilliant
South Africans left
On our soil
To steer our ship
Into calmer waters
No matter, what
Foul weather is rising
On the horizon.
Let Tata
Enjoy his last
Days in peace
And with dignity
We now know
it was not so
Whatever happened
it remains disturbing
It is a new year
and I close the door
on the year of Our Lord 2013
I close the door
on triumphs
I close in on pain
on sorrow
and on joy
a new step forward
all is new
can I live
every day
this way?
is over
today has begun
Yes I know I am early
why should I conform
Why should I not accept
that 2014 will come
as sure as
today has arrived?
Is that faith?
is that arrogance?
is that fatalistic?
No and a thousand times No
I demand tomorrow
I stand on the promise
of Life
I refuse
to accept defeat
I cry out to
My Father
to enlarge my territory
to grant me time
to fulfil
my destiny
a new little bird
is going through the womb
of time
was created in the throes
of my mind
You shall see it soon
Q shall arise
as Intaka did
and the Queen
and K
when the Israelites
wandered through the desert
they were given food
that included Q's
I stand on that promise
the promise
of my daily bread
I stand on the promise
the promise
of a new life
So my dear compatriots
also those of you
who loaded
your Venter trailers
full of tinned food
SA's Armageddon
I shall not call you fools
shall not say
I told you so
my time is precious
it is now
and yes
I embrace
the Year of our Lord
Peace and love bet with you
my brothers and sisters
now and forever
Amen doulos
Monica is reading
A long Walk to Freedom
She laughed out loud
about the incident
where a condescending white Lady
threw a sixpence at John(Madiba)
when he helped her
He explained that whites
used to call Africans John
if the did not know them
or their name
So Rosalien's(our housekeeper) son
little Michael came
to visit
We helped getting him built up boots
to rectify his club feet
From the onset he called me
No matter how his mother explained my name
I remained U-John
I told her to let the child be
as I really did not matter
I remained U-John to this day
and MIcheal is now
a strapping young lad
Little Michael's Uncle
convinced him to call
all white males John
in retaliation to being called
John by whites
Michael's Uncle's humour
was sharp and lasting
Does it really matter
what people call us ?
A great man, Madiba
was called John
a lesser man, me
was called John
Two sides to the
same coin
This seems like a light hearted
account of life in South Africa
Yet it is cutting deep
deep into the roots
of pain that people suffered
without reason
because of the injustice
one race visited
on another
Jesus was baptised by John
Jesus, A royal
baptised by John
a normal person
It still irks me
that preachers
promoted and supported
Apartheid for so many years
from their pulpits
Jesus was a man of Love
a man of Peace
a man that understood humanity
and at the same time
he was the One
who created humanity
How can one not love oneself
therein lies the message
that us humans cannot understand
For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face:
now I know in part; but ...
Thank you Tata
for grasping
that message
Let us all be John
plain and simple
Many John's
of different hue and colour
Let us live in peace
let us love one another
irrespective of faith
ethnicity, gender, orientation
health, status
now a new year
is dawning
let us just be John
Peace and love be with you my brother and sister Johns
The Race
The colors of a pretty the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin...*spoken*(I
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I'll never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
Five babies
Me, my two daughters
and my two grandchildren
From the same seed
but one daughter
had a white mother
the second a darker mother
my grandchildren
one has a African mother
and a "lighter" father
my wife's first child
one has a white mother
white grandparents
and mixed grandparents
and a African father
all the same
I would however
love to record their lives
to see how they develop
how they respond
to the challenges of life
how they respond to
societal issues
like race and gender
how they respond
to religion and spirituality
When our love child
Krismonne was small
we took her out
of a nursery school
after she was telling
stories of "animals do not mix"
and other racist
we put her into a school
further from home
wit a more enlightened character
We live in Primrose
the school is in Bedfordview
She will "graduate " there
this year
Now I am telling stories
I am actually
going to "skinder"
no names
no Pac drill
I the shoe fits
you are most welcome
to wear it
Scenario one
An adult man
taking care of ailing parents
get's warned
never to bring a black woman home
as it would kill them both
Scenario two
I show "an enlightened female"
was at Wits nogal
an advertisement
in a school magazine
she refers to a speech bubble
"and the K ,what does it
stand for" K.****r" ?
she answers her
own question
Scenario three
A young African man
get's life threats
from his in Laws
both white
and respected and loved
by him
Eina, ouch !!!
it hurts
and it hurts deeply
closet racists
all of them
They are people I love
and thought I knew
but at a moment of anger
a moment of frailty
a moment of jealousy
they instantly reveal
their inner selves
We the rainbow nation
are full of them
Racism is alive and well
in the
"New South Africa"
in a country
where the vast majority
are Christians
Our President's
abusive rhetoric
and the ruling party's
blatant racism
are clear for
all to see
Then I remember Tata
like the world
will always remember him
A man that has overcome
who fought injustice
and could still find
forgiveness and reconciliation
in his heart
Then I feel like
singing along with Louis
about a wonderful world
My dear brothers and sisters
let us make this country
a wonderful world
by living in peace and harmony
by loving our neighbour
Peace and love be with you
my African brothers and sisters
of all different hues and colours
In my last entry
I talked about the girls
in my live
what would happen in their lives
Then I remember Tata
like the world
will always remember him
A man that has overcome
who fought injustice
and could still find
forgiveness and reconciliation
in his heart
Then I feel like
singing along with Louis
about a wonderful world
Let us stand up and be counted
ReplyDeletelet us weigh our hearts
before the Creator does
Let us protect and serve
the fragile and innocent
let us be Men
then our children
will develop
into splendid citizens
all across the world
They do not need us
to form them or mould them
the Creator does that
through life experience
We are but custodians
and WILL be held
The bible teaches us to pray
ReplyDelete...and give us our daily bread.
and give us our daily grass
There are wolves
out there "Preaching"
and "prophesying"
and they are clearly
not of sound mind
The Church
is terminally ill
and needs to be admitted
to ICU
It needs
Context and Unction