
My Diary continued 2013

After struggling for weeks
To get to grips with my fledgling
Company’s figures
I finally realised
It is true
“We made a profit”!
Very small maybe
But never less
A profit
By the Grace of God
We succeeded
Where most small
Companies fail.
It is a miracle
My dear friends
I assure you
I know full well
It is a miracle.
When we started we
Had no idea how
To do it
All we knew was we
Had an idea
And the idea became
A dream a goal
And the goal
A reality
It took faith
Believe me
“pun intended”
Countless prayers
And sleepless nights
Unwavering determination
And never giving in
Perseverance and patience
Are synonyms for faith
I learnt that lesson
The hard way
As I am perpetually
If any person wants
To ask me how
To start a small
I will tell them
Do what you love
Or do what you are
Good at
If you don’t
It will become
A burden
I have tried before
To start a business
The first couple
Of times purely
Because of religious
Only to find out
Those I tried
To help were in it
Only for the money
That is my second
Peace of advice
Do not follow
Someone else’s dreams
Follow your own
If your motivation
Is pure and you
Are utterly convinced
You are on the
Right track
Simply keep on going
And ignore all
Obstacles, it is
A journey not
A destination
Money is not
A motivation
Money is inevitably
The outcome
Of doing what you
Believe in
For long enough
If anything money
Was what we invested
Money and time and energy
Oodles of it
Until you want to loose
Because it seems
Your idea is a
Bottomless pit
Draining your finances
Time and effort
Follow your gut feel
And ignore too much
“advice” even from
Those you know
To be successful
They are successful
Because they can keep
The recipe for their
Success a secret
“the Secret”
There is no secret
It is hardwired
In your being
If you dig deep enough
In yourself you
Will find it
It was there all along
You simply did
Not want to
Acknowledge it
“they” make  more
Money selling
“the secret”
Because they never
The truth about
It, they simply
Entice you to spend
You’re hard worked
 Earnings on their
You are in it
For yourself
there is no
do not try and
compete with
someone else’s truth
if your idea is not
original you can believe
that theirs isn’t either
the one that
can make an idea work
becomes the owner
of the idea.
From the onset
I promised myself
I will keep my motive pure
I am competing with no one
It is my dream
And it is my job
To make it work
Yes I needed “luck”
Yes I needed a “kick-start”
And yes a good
Friend invested in my idea
Mostly it was faith
And prayer that
Kept me going.
A good friend can
Only hold your hand
For so long and
If He/she/they
Are a truly good friend
They will know when
To let go
Because they do not
Want to sabotage
Your dream
Of course you will
Remain to be friends
Real friends are in it
For life
It is tough in
South Africa to
Start a small business
Government’s rhetoric
Never comes to fruition
Inevitably they will
Strangle your small
Business to death
Because they cannot
Control greed
and corruption.
You are on your own
And for better or
For worse you
Will have to persevere
Until you reach
It is a battle
Worth fighting
And you will be
My battle is not
Over it simply becomes
Easier, the more
Battle- worthy I become
Not battle-weary
My friend
The more you fight
The better you get at it
So by the Grace of God
I shall give myself
A small pat on the back
It is but a beginning
A journey
And one
I am looking forward to
Peace be with you my brothers and sisters
Peace and love be woth you forever


Our history is steeped in blood

That is no secret.

Our history is also

Steeped in the ability of

Our people to excel

And flourish despite

The odds being stacked

Against them

Our roots go deep

Into the African soil

And are anchored

In the ancient rock bed

Of mother Africa

Despite our demography

We are still cosmopolitan

And  united as Africans

Black, coloured and white

Fiercely  protective

Of our birthplace

It is also no secret

That Nelson Mandela

Will depart to

“a better place”

Put harshly

He is about to die.

He is an Icon

The whole world

Loves the Old Man

Of Africa

That unleashed

The Rainbow Nation

Instead of unleashing

Reprisal and revenge

Yes I know there

Are those that

Say he is not all

That saintly

And he would admit it


Today we have

A leader that divides

One day and

Unites the next day

One that is indecisive

One that wants

To hold on to

The past

And drag it

Into the future

We the people

Are dedicated

To this country

We hold firm

Onto our believes

We are ready

For a better future

The greatness

Of individual

South Africans

That astonished the world

With their innovation

Wisdom and skill

And the ancient

Wisdom that results

 Of growing on African soil

I hear rumours

Of “Uhuru”

I hear rumours

Of goings on

Like what happened

In Zimbabwe

Then I read

What another

South African said

Many,  many years ago

He was a “Prophet”

And although

He was biased

By virtue of

His background he

Was a pious man.

He predicted

A lot of what

Happened in South Africa

And his predictions

Came to fruition

And is now part

Of our history

He also predicted

What would happen?

The day Madiba dies

I quote an extract

Of what he purportedly said

The death of Nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of Nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur, and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: Zimbabwe type of actions).

Then I read

A synopsis

Of “a Case of Knives”

Julian de Wette (Author)

And I know


That the person

Who penned this drama

Is a son of Africa

The title does

Not refer to

The threat, bandied about

By some

“the Knives will come out”

The day Madiba dies.

It is uniquely South African

And gives me a fuzzy

Feeling of warmth

In my chilly office.

I prefer to


That we rhe people

Of this splendid country

Have a future

I believe there

Are enough brilliant

South Africans left

On our soil

To steer our ship

Into calmer waters

No matter, what

Foul weather is rising

On the horizon.

Let Tata

Enjoy his last

Days in peace

And with dignity

A great South African

Is greeting.

Go well Tata

sobonana  Madiba.

May peace and love be with you

My countrymen and women






ignorantia legis neminem excusat 

Yes I spelt it incorrectly

I did it on purpose

Some time ago I was “reborn”

I felt a deep conviction

To make amends

To apologise to those

I have offended and hurt

With my careless alcohol

Fuelled wicked tongue

So I decided I have to give

My “testimony” in a church

I chose a church whose

Congregants and leadership

I have often ridiculed

I prayed about it

For weeks and actually

Made an appointment

With the church leader

I had a sleepless night

Before my “testimony”

The church leader

never called me out

and after sitting for hours

went home disappointed

then  I was called

and given the explanation

“He expected you to stand up”

“Nonsense” I thought

But anyway I was so

Convinced I had to

Do it that I went back

The night before I was

Terrified and prayed

The whole night

Eventually I got a “message’

It was clear as daylight

“they will stand ashamed”

I told my wife as

Two of her family members

Were office bearers in the church

And one’s daughter is

Married to the leader’s son

On arrival I was called

 into an office

by the son and his wife

they urged me to confess

I said I would not

“I am here to testify”

Eventually I was called out

After speaking the whole

Congregation got to their feet

And applauded

I gave  proof and evidence

to God's existence and goodness

by testifying to the “

Body of Christ”

I never “confessed” anything

There is confusion

Over confession

In The Church

My dear friends

Never be lulled

Into “confessing”

To people

They will judge you

And later on use

Your own words

To “punish” you

If you feel the need

To witness about

The goodness of God

You experienced

Shout it of the

Roof tops

The Church is not

A Court of Law

Judgement is

God’s prerogative

And God’s only

If you need to confess

Confess to Jesus

In earnest prayer

I was set free

By doing exactly that

I took all the “boulders

Of shame and guilt”

And lay them at

The foot of the Cross

People are judgemental

Most people are

Not equipped to assist

You with your personal


Especially not some

So called “Men of God”

They are as fallible

As you

If you want to ask

Forgiveness from those

You have wronged

Go to them directly

And in private

And I assure you

They will ain all probability

Forgive you

If they don’t

Walk away without guilt

Peace and love be with you

My brothers and sister




Our Worth

Her "Worth"

“Your Momma is so fat”

May be a silly joke but I

Do not think anybody

really finds it funny

So my Mother in Law

Will soon be able to

Call herself an


A person who is from

80 to 89 years old.

Information meant

For those like my

“laatlam” who

Tends to think

Her dad is as old

As the mountains
I love this woman
With all my heart
Although the
“funny people”
Have oodles of jokes
About Mothers in law
So the family is
Giving her a party
And as parties go
With this family
It means endless
Speeches to
Make sure how
Important the
Speakers are
Is conveyed
To the one
Being honoured
So I am preparing
My speech with
The topic
“Your momma is so fat”
My Pacemaker battery
Is supposed to last
Another five years
Or so and I have
Medical aid
So I should
Survive Ok
Am I crazy?
Maybe but first
Let me tell the story
On how I came
To this
“Brilliantly appropriate title”
And you shall see
The method In my madness
First a bit of Math
1oz = 28.350g
1pound =160z
One metric carat (ct) = 200mg
or 0.2kg
The price of gold
Averaged over
a long period
$483 per ounce
It is recorded by Benvenuto Cellini
 in the middle of the sixteenth century
 that a carat ruby was eight times
 the value of a carat diamond,
the price of the former
 being 800 golden scudi ($17,400)
 and that of the latter
100 scudi ($2,175).
So how much does
Mother In Law
U ask her that
I don’t want to be
So I shall make
A bit of
The average weight
Of a person
Africa = 60.7 kg (133.8 lb)
the Americans
weigh in at
  88.3 kg (194.7 lb)
74.7 kg (164.7 lb)
“So what is your POINT!”
“Patience I am
Getting there”
Remember this is
A family affair
And the longer
I talk about
Mother In Law
The more
Important I become
Jokes aside
Now you do
The math
I am tired talking
Proverbs 31:10
A wife of noble character
who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies
Lamentations 4:2
How the precious children of Zion,
 once worth their weight in gold,
 are now considered as pots of clay,
 the work of a potter's hands!
So my dear friends
If we really
Want to calculate
A human beings worth
In weight
We can do so
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
 Yet not one of them
 will fall to the ground outside
your Father's care
And even the very hairs
of your head are all
Matthew 10:29/30
God Loves us
So much that
He numbered
Our hair
On to end off
This weighty
Proverbs 21:2  ESV
Every way of a man
 is right in his own eyes,
 but the Lord weighs the heart.
I know you are also lazy
To do the sums
So here
In the sixthteenth
A woman wighing
The average for Africa
Of 60,7kg
Would be worh
303500 ct
Times $17400
At current exchange rates
So my dear fiends
We do not weigh people
To calculate their worth
But for those who
Are so inclined
That 80 year old woman
Is worth
Of course
She is worth
A lot more than that figure
Peace and love be with you my
Brothers and sisters

Ek onthou Chappie



Was watching the funeral of

“The Iron Lady” in the beautiful


 I watch the news

And see the fierce assault

Of Winter Weather

On the Cape Coast.

Then I wake up and see

Pictures of an old

Farm in the

Eastern Transvaal.

The cold of winter

Is slowly pushed out of

My being by the longing

Of my soul

Trying to rebirth

The innocence

Of my youth

I contemplate life

Images buried

Deep in the archives

Of my mind

Tumble out

In an untidy heap

I pick them up

One by one

I dust them of

Gently with intimate care


I return them

With a sigh

I accept

I Am


Is beckoning

Thank you my friend

For awakening

The Me in I

Body parts



St Pauls Cathedral is beautiful

No one can deny that

I looked for an artist

Impression of

King Solomon’s  Temple

To match its beauty

And to match it

To the beauty

Of the

“Body of Christ”

“The Church”

I am no

Theologian and

I am no Scholar

Yes I am “

The “son of a Preacher”

I was contemplating

What the Church is?

And what has become

Of “The Church”?

I see the turmoil

Mankind finds itself in

Every day in the news

And I wonder

“where will it all lead to”?

I am a simple man

With a simple philosophy

That philosophy

can be summed up

in one word


We the people

Are the Church

King Soloman

In all his wisdom

Built a majestic

“dwelling for God”

Mankind have been

Trying for millennia

To outdo each other

By ”Honouring their God”

To build Him a “Home”

Fit for

“The King of Kings”

The building we worship in

Is not “The Church”

And is not

“a Home for God”

No man can match

The splendour of Nature

The immense and vast Universe

Or even just

The beauty of one flower

All creation

Is “God’s home”

And you and I

My dear brother and sister

Are his “Bride”

“His Church”

Whether you are

Just one “numbered hair”

Perhaps a cell

Or an iris

The King of Kings

Find’s you beautiful

And is coming

Back to

Unite with you

I “Preach”


Plain and simple

May Peace and Love

Be with you forever

My brothers and sisters




ek "deps" die foto

Glo dit as jy wil dit is ek

n woonstel in Pretoria

Baie drankies en baie klank

N groot okasie

Twee jong “turke”

Word “vereer”

“crinkle paper’

Teen die mure

Kondig aan

“Bon Voyage Foeta”

“Happy Birthday Frans”
Dit is Oktobermaand
Eksamentyd en Jakarandatyd
N bundell Joernaliste
 kuier die nag oud
Later sal ons swem
Klere is opsioneel
Ek word wakker
Met my oor in
n bakkie suiker
Die woonstel lyk oes
“crinkle paper vingers”
oral teen die mure
die plek is steeds
wasig gerook
n effe soet reuk
ons het nie
gerook nie
Dit was baie mane gelede
En ek onthou nou
Dat ek Foeta sien
Met sy kamera
Oor sy skouer
Soos ek hom
Menige maal
 gesien het
My Canon le
In my kas “fodde”
Ek kan dit nie
 oor my hart kry
om ontslae te raak
van my
getroue vriend nie
het hom gekry
die jaar toe ek
sestien geword het
was gekoop
 in Hong Kong
n “geskenk”
Menige kiekies
 verewig met hom
Die kiekies
Is in die argief
Van grysstof
Drukkersink is
En verlaat
Jou nooit rerig nie
Wel gedaan
Ou vriend
Kom veilig


A little white girl

Being “saved” from

“the swart gevaar”

This story set

 cyberspace abuzz

Racism accusations

Flew fast and furious

Our dear land

Is so prone

To mud slinging

On racial lines

The real story

Was buried

Another orphan

Needing a home

In a country

Where some

Park their Boeings

At Military bases

And others build

Multimillion tuck shops

A “Terrorist”

Was buried on

American soil

Is a story

In the same

Tired line

We must get back

To basics

We must become

Humane again

Back to the soil

Where we

Started our journey

Fact remains

Human tragedy

Gets buried

Under Hype

We are so

Apt at taking issue

With anything

That we forget

The tragic reality

That sparked

The outcry

“Little Sannie”

Will be fine

In Most

 Safrican homes


Of race

Or culture

One “Terrorist”

Does not

A summer make

And the Merican

Soil will not

Be contaminated

By its “debris”

We are not Soil

We are Soul

The moment

We break free

From Terra Firma

We become free

Let us put man

Back into Human

And remove humus

You my dear

Brothers and sisters

Are splendid beings

Never forget that

May Peace and love

Be with you always




By your Fruit
I do not usually use
my Blog to promote
my company
but occasionally I do
This time it is so
important to me
that I shall go full out
For more than a year
I have been preparing
a promotion
to introduce
Moringa smoothies.
It started at
Krissmonnes's school
They made smoothies
for a school project
As usual I added Moringa
and it was delicious
and very energising.
That led to me
designing smoothy posters
Then I bought a gazebo and had
it branded
I sourced drinking bottles
fruit etc. and now
I am working full out
to prepare for the school's annual
Fun Day on 1 June
This, my dream
started small

 exactly that small
Recuperating in hospital
after a heart attack
I started a company based
on a bible verse
I read
Matthew 10:29 Greek assarion, Roman copper coin (Latin quadrans) worth about 1/16 of a denarius (which was a day's wage for a labourer)

Simply because you are loved

Now I am exited
and I shall Exalt
an Almighty God
for the miracles
and abundance
that He brought
Into my life
since that day.
Peace and love be with you
forever my brothers and sisters

My African Queen 

will update this post
until 7 June
Try to look as this video
Through the eyes of my soul
forget race, age, religion and
any other hang up
and see where I come
from and u will
experience my joy
the lyrics follow
[I]yeah, yeah,[/I] you are my african queen, [I]oooh lord, oooh lord[/I]

just like the sun, lights up the earth, you light up my life
the only one, I've ever seen with a smile so bright
and just yesterday, you came around my way
and changed my whole scenery with your astonishing beauty

ah, you coulda make a brother sing,
you ordinary thing, a supernatural being,

... I know you are just brighter than the moon
Brighter than the star, I love you just the way you are.

and you are my African Queen, the girl of my dreams.
you take me where I've never been
you make my heart go ting-a-ling-a-ling, oh ahh
you are my African Queen, the girl of my dreams
and you remind me of a thing
and that is the African beauty yahhh[/I]

[I]yahh oooo[/I] you are my african queen,[I] oh lord, oo lord hmm[/I]
out of a million you stand as one
the outstanding one
I look into your eyes, girl what I see is paradise,

[I]yeah[/I] you captivated my soul, now everyday I want you more [I]o o oo[/I]
How can I deny this feeling I'm feeling inside
[I]ey[/I] oh no one can never take your place,
can never take your space,
thats a fact I cannot erase

and you, you are the one that makes me smile
make me float like a boat upon the nile.

[I]oooo ooooo yaahhh yahhh oooo[/I]

you are my african queen and I know, oh yes I know[I] hhn[/I]
you are my african queen and I know, see I know
See I know what I am feeling in my heart and in my soul
oh I know that it is love
And I know that this love was surely sent from up above
Cause you're the only one I think of

you are my african queen
and I know that this means that you're the only one that I will serve
I'll give you my heart, my love, my body and my money
Every other thing you think of
Who could think of anything better than you
Who could think of ever hurting you

Sacrifice my all, I'll give it all to you
cause you ar my african queen
for REAL

So black, so beautiful
I love you, I love you, I love you, [I]munyemo[/I], I love you, I love you, I love
you, munyemo, I love you, I love you,[I] ooohhh yeah[/I], my African Queen, I 

 love you, I love you.

 Ek is nie bang nie,( Sorry Lohan Grobler(Proud Creations0 for using your quote.

I am not Afraid or ashamed of my Rainbow Family and I shall stand on the Rooftop
to shout it out loud. Today my grandchild and her father were baptised. They were
accepted into the loving family circle of Christ our Lord. Oh by the way this is not
the image be patient until 12Midnight 7 July and I shall publish it.
 ok I shall give you a reprieve and post THE IMMAGE
at 24h00 on Thursday 6 June,
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,
or in my case the eyes o the bread holder.
I look at myself in the mirror and wonder,
who on earth can love the image
affronting me.
Well us guys en specially some dudes
like Kings and so on tend to
wax lyrical about the subjects of
our undying burning loins.
I mean King David murdered, Moses and Job
spent seven and fourteen years
of their lives pursuing
the love of their lives.
Even wise oakes like King Solomon
got into the poo because
one of his many beloveds
drove him a bit up the wall..Well my fellowmen
and brothers, if you do not have
one or the one you have, has
become a little bit "faded",
just because you cannot see
so well any more.
I say create one..
I shall give you an image
of a beautiful thing
a guy created because
his Willy controlled
his brain and wallet.

So why do you not create an image
of the one and only you love.
The above is beautiful
but is not the image
be patient.


Voila and here is the image

I promised. A picture is worth

A thousand words and

This one can launch an armada

Of battle ships.

Never give up on the

Child in You. Too often

Our childhood

Is suppressed by circumstance

And even tragedy.

Then when we get old

And “Senile” ,”God Forbids”

That child forces his

Or her way back

To the surface

 and we become


Take that child(you)

By the hand

And nurture it and

Love it

And cherish i

Experience the joy

And innocence

And purity

Never let go.

Happy 50th

My African Queen

My Barbie
My Love
Let me take you on a journey
my companion in cyberspace
a journey that you may
or may not savour
as much as I do
A journey from
The birth of a little boy
a scared and bewildered little boy
Klein Fransie
that is now a sentimental
"old" fool
A son of Africa
albeit in a white skin
I shall not tell
you the story
I shall create
an image
(or rather have it created)
and I shall post it
for all the world to see.
I need you to understand
the significance
of this image
I need you to
understand that
love like life
has no boundaries
We do not need roads
a mode of transport
or even Mother Earth
to travel this journey
In fact we
do not even need
a body
all we need
is a presence
To be
that is all.
It is an image
of a little girl
in the body
of a fully grown woman
A little girl that
never had dolls
to play with
A little girl
that want's nothing
than a "Barbie Cake"
for her 50th birthday.
One that loves
and serves
and is a mother
to all the
little children
she encounters
One that I hope
will never outgrow
this beautiful
little girl
my wife
my soul mate
my Queen
She leaves
for Botswana
but will be
in my heart
wherever she
finds herself
On 7 June
at the hour
I shall post
the image
Peace and love
be with you my
brothers and sisters

Final Call

With the imminent death

Of an icon

We are again confronted

With death

We wonder

Whether this person

Has a special place

In heaven and even

If there is really a heaven

What happens, when?

We breathe our last breath?

Will we stop existing?

Will we be remembered?

Is it painful?

Will we go to Hell?

I unfortunately do

Not know

All I know

Is what I believe

And that is

I shall live forever

More than once

In my life I faced death

It is a scary experience

Once I pleaded

With God to end

My life

Because I thought

I could not withstand

The pain and anguish

Of a tormented

And tortured soul

More often I

Have pleaded with God

To save my life

Out of fear

Of what I shall

Leave behind

Once I nearly

Succeeded in killing


Gracefully God

Spared me

“It was not

My time”

Now I wear my “stripes’

As trophies

For God’s love

And Grace.

Three religions

Shot their

Roots into the

Same earth

Three diverse

Population groups

Chose a different

Name for the

Same God

They all believe

In a heaven

And all believe

In a hell

Where we differ

Is what will happen

When we die.

So we try to

Please “Our” God

We try to “Impress”

“our” God

We even try to

Bribe “our” God

To seek His Favour

In the Afterlife

In the meantime

We try our utmost

To destroy each other

When the only

Thing that will

Please “our”





Forget about death

Celebrate life

Celebrate love

Get to know

“your” God

And death

Will be the day

That you meet

Your creator

And depending

On how much you loved

You will receive

Love in abundance

Peace and Love be with you

My brothers and my






I am a late starter

I only started discovering myself

Way past 30 years of age

During those years my

Image and experience


Religion and ultimately of God

Fluctuated from fear

To feverish and

Even stone cold.

As a little boy I was scared

Of this Angry God
And His noisy followers
Who scared the living daylights
Out of me with their hysterics
And “Fire and Brimstone”
So I retracted fearing God
 hating my sinful persona.
During my teens
I briefly approached the
Subject again
And was even more
Disappointed with
The deceit of those
Who were sopossed
To guide me.
I was confused
Because the “Church Leaders”
Differed so much on
Basic rituals
And where so vehemently
Convinced that “They”
Were right
And no other.
It seemed silly
And I “lost”
My faith.
Then I dived into
Life with gay abandon
I did everything that
Was “not permitted”
And experienced things,
That others shy
Away from.
I was reckless
And fearless
And avoided “The Church”
For many years.
Eventually Life gave
Me “a klap”
I was a total alcoholic
And my unhealthy lifestyle
Took its toll
On my battered body.
Then in a flash
“I met God”
For the first time
In my life
I changed instantly
I became more calm
More understanding
And an urge
Welled up in me to find
The “truth” about life
I gave it my all
It exhausted me
I racked my brain
Dug deep into my soul
As I knew one thing
I must discover myself
Before I can discover God
That was a very painful
And sobering journey
Now I am calm
The fear, that was my companion
For most of my life
Has faded away
And made place
For a confidence
I never knew before.
I started communicating
With God on a daily basis
Although I do not attend
Church every Sunday
My spiritual  life
Is flourishing
My personal life
Is flourishing
I am showered
With blessings
I know I never deserved
It started that
Fateful day
God said to me
“But Frans I saved you”
Now He is my companion
My friend, my Father
And I entrust only
To Him
My most private
 inner thoughts
He changes you
“when you allow Him
To touch your life”
I no longer care
About Dogma and Doctrine
And foolish
Human rituals.
It is a personal thing
An I realise
I am finally
On my way to be
The best Me
I could ever be
Seek Him
My beloved
Brothers and sisters
The One that
Created you
Is longing to meet you
As much as your soul
Is craving to be
 Reunited with Him
Peace and love
Be with you forever


Pa Jan en Ma Martie regs agter

A Few good Men








Ja sweet boetie
ek haal al die files uit
en ek begin met n blond
in n pink bikini
"Onthou jy nog"
and the silly refrain
 of the Bee Gees
is still stuck in my
battered and tired brain
01h45 Am
in my "little office"
quote un quote
from the oak
with the huge desk
It is cold outside
even colder inside
my office
my sanctuary
where my mind
can roam free
and my frozen fingers
makes love to my keyboard
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
I really need to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breakin’ us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me
Really don't know
how deep Michel's love was
Don't really care
I also don't care
how big your dick
is my schoolboy friend
"Did we have six packs?"
An unexpected message
in cyber space
a familiar face
buried deep in
my past
35 years deep
and I accept
"his friendship"
and I leave every
thing I am doing
in a mad rush
to reunite
with my childhood past
on a real Safrican farm
on the bleak
winter landscape
of a Potch farm
I don't even have
the pictures yet
still struggling
to make sense
of the attack
on my senses
of seeing
five "ghosts"
of the past.
Five boys who
became men
and really did
not change one single bit
since i knew them
35 long years ago
My six pack
the least apparent
hidden under layers
of middle age lard
They look fit
remarkably so
we scoff
Brandy and Coke
at least they do
I savour expensive
whiskey on the rocks
with the spectre
of the schoolboy
"In a man's body"
that is my host
 toys parked outside
warm hearts inside
trying to unravel
nearly four decades
of Life
in just a few hours
So why the blond
in the bikini/
"just because !"
"did you bring a camera"
and the biggest flippen
camera south of the north pole
starts flashing in my face
"How deep is your love?"
Old so and so
is dead "suicide"
So and so
was in jail
so and so
has plenty children
So and so married
I try to fathom
the barometer
of their wealth
keep on wondering
what is 'their worth"
measured against
the size of my own "dick"
It really does not matter
my dear friends
what matter is
that we made time
for each other
after more than
three decades
I appreciate you
Yes I remember
fondly remember
every moment
we shared in that
little "dorp"
between the mine dumps
Yes I care
about what happened
in your life.
We share something
something precious
that cannot be measured
in monetary terms
I Salute you
my childhood friends
my comrades
of life
You are all mirrors
of my own soul
and yes
"I Love you"
Gasp horror
"hy is n fokken vet m**fie"
"het jou gese"
en nou skryf hy die kak
op die internet
relax my friend
"what happens in Vegas
stays in Vegas"
scouts honour
 regte manne
"haal nie die files uit nie"
so what do I think of you
it is simple
it does not matter
what I think
One image is etched
out on my soul
a carving of
"a little boy with a banjo"
on a wooden plank
That says everything  I think
of You
all of You
You are precious
You carry with you
more than fifty years
of History
More than fifty years
of creating
your own lives
of becoming real men
Men I am unashamed
to be associated with
'Die sout van die aaarde"
Nie net ons ses nie
almal wat die tyd
en spasie met ons gedeel het
Jaques,Francois(French),Philip,twelvepack Frans,Gerry(Kiereis)


I wish for you my dear brothers
only prosperity and love

The Bible say's

Had this interesting debate
with a dear friend
about our Christianity
and how we
should approach
non believers
Problem being neither
of us are theologians
or preachers
or anything
remotely in that vein
we are just normal
guys who
loves our religion
To me the key word
is Love
The debate got
to the sticky issue
of homosexuality
As Calvinists
we were raised
with the conviction
that it is a sin
"The Bible say's so"
Yet some churches
have Gay Clergy
and allow
Gay marriages
our own Democracy
is one of the most
liberal in this regard
My own take
on the issue
I am commanded
by God to Love "Him",
my neighbour
and myself
I am not to Judge
it is "His" domain
So to me
it is simple
It is non of my concern
I love all my brethren
irrespective of their
life orientation
I was not called
to preach it is not my job.
and I am not
qualified to do so
either by knowledge
nor experience
nor being gifted
Mankind have
been debating these
sticky issues for millennia
and will do so
the end of earth
They still do not
have consensus
Yes I know
the ten commandments
and Yes I
try to obey them
if I fail
I am merely human
It is not my task
or obligation
to try and analyse
the whole Bible
I shall fail miserably
and I am afraid
most do
even the "chosen" ones
The one problem
we all have
is that we are flesh
"He" are spirit
because "He"
are not one
but three in One
I cannot be
like "Him"
unless I die.
"He" could even be 'She"
for all I know
when I die
I shall know
and only then
until then
I shall simply
Love "Him"
my neighbour
and myself.
My conscious
will guide me
Love and peace
be with you
my brothers and sisters

If I were a rich man

If I Were a Rich Man by Fiddler on the Roof Cast
"Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor.
But it's no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?"

If I were a rich man,
Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Idle-diddle-daidle-daidle man.
Lord who mad the lion and the lamb,
You decreed I should be what I am.
Would it spoil some vast eternal plan?
If I were a wealthy man.

So what does it feel like
being a rich man
all depends who you are
if you ask the guy
living in the shack
or the tycoon
living behind high
I guess there is no
real answer
What I can tell you
is that some men
consider themselves
slightly elevated
to the rest of the masses
simply because they have
deep  pockets
Even Jesus said
The poor you will always have with you,
 but you will not always have me.
I have no problem
with that
whether you are
rich or poor
is immaterial to me
a colleague
of my wife's
remarked about a photo
That is a very rich man
my wife looked
her colleague
in astonishment
She did notice his watch
the colleague did
so would every
would be thief
and mugger
I also never noticed
it depends on our mind-set
are such things important
to you or are they not
What I can tell you
about this man though
is that I have seen his soul
and I know for a fact
yes he is a rich man
he knows how to share
he knows how to care
he is always there
when a friend
is in need.
I know of
a little boy
with fiddle
who became a man
and I call that man
my friend
It is sad
that he forgot
about the fiddle
and does not like
being reminded of it
I want to say to you
my fiddler friend
play it
once more
as beautifully as you
did when we were just boys
and I shall
dance like
Zorba the Greek
and let my body do the
old and battered as it is
 and I shall
tell that little fiddler
like Zorba told Alexis
Listen, little one: neither the seven stories of heaven nor the seven stories of the earth are enough to contain God; but a man's heart can contain him. So be very careful, Alexis — and may my blessing go with you — never to wound a man's heart!
Be blessed my fiend
have peace and love
and prosperity
and remember
a wounded heart
can heal
ask me
so let us live


For the umpteenth time
a person
this time a friend
told me that I inappropriately
interrupt conversations
or mindlessly carries on
with a subject that has
already shifted
apparently the Oakes
gets the moer in
because of it
never mind my tendency
to preach when
I had a couple
How did this happen
Let me explain
I had a stroke
and heart attack
at the same time .
was critically ill
and ended up in ICU My
wife was away with
her brothers death I
 just started a job
after years of
 searching for one
My kind employer
informed me of the
of my contract
on a piece of paper
as I could
not hear him
I shit you not
still have the piece of paper
he was not the
 only kind employer
the next one
'after I specifically
motioned in the job interview
that I am hearing impaired"
informed his Head Office
in front of me
"Hy is so fokken doof
soos n kwartel"
Needless to say
I packed my bags
Now my dear friend
sits with
the conundrum
of including me on
his guest list
or risking losing dear
that are irritated by my
inability to
form part of
the conversation
so be it
Why am I writing this?
Am I selfish?
do I waddle
in self pity?
do I need attention?
No my friend
I sometimes did
the same to others
because we simply do not
understand a physical impediment
until we suffer it ourselves.
My solution
I shall promptly try
to get  a hearing aid
for the third time
and this time
I shall make sure it
works for me
I am more sensitive
to people with disabilities
because of this
so I benefit somehow
But this problem
is busy ruining my life
and threatens my small business
I just put down my cell phone
after a kind lady
from a hearing aid
company tried to "help me"
After a few minutes of trying
to explain that I cannot hear her
I slammed the phone down.
I besiege you my friends
try and understand
when someone
say's Sorry
I can't hear you.
Understand the turmoil
they are going through
Communication is
a crucial part of
our lives
Peace and love
be with you my brothers
and sisters


Peace be with you Madiba
love be with you Tata
Floating in and out
of consciousness
touching the robe
of celestial beings
and then the warm
flesh of a kinsman
gently float towards
the light that
is beckoning you
carried on our prayers
buoyed by our tears
your place is
gilded by humbleness
feathered with love
the granite of resolve
shielding you
 I shall miss you Father
your memory
etched in my heart


As jy iets wil skep
is dit soms effe
my problem is dat
ek met woorde kan skep
ek kan vir jou n prentjie
gelikkig ken ek n jongman
wat my woorde kan vat
en omskep in n prentjie
So gebeur dit dat ek
besluit ek moet iets
vir Charlen Daleen doen
vat my sommer twee
jaar maar nietemin
ek was besig om
dinge bymekaar te skraap
klein prentjies
wat my joernalis
geofende brein
oordra van my skerp
observsie vermoens
na my bewelde brein
Klink nogels
ek begin myself amper
te like
met jagtogte en kuiertjies
hier en daar
tel ek dinge op
dinge wat mense se en doen
dan vorm ek n pentjie
in my gedagtes
van hoe ek dink
dit sal lyk
as n portret
so hier is
een van die eerste sketse
van die prentjie
Ek weet dit se lekkerbly
verdomp weet jy nie
ek is half doof nie
jy se NEE
en hoor GEE
en ons kyk mekaar aan
in verbasing
'I die ou Gek?"
eish, jaaa boetie
paar varkies het ontsnap
Die twee mense
wat ek so baie weerdeer
n broer en suster
wat nie my
mammie en pappie
se bloedin
hulle are het nie
dierbare mense
met hulle voete
stewig op die aarde
so ja ek se dankie
en krao dit sommer
uit op n plankie
Jou leeu Charl
daai Masbieker
is weg met die
met die deposit
en ek sit sonder
die plankie
So nou moet ek dit maar
op n doek sit
Terwyl jy in die
stof van die bos
agter gediertes aanploeter
ploeter ek aan met my prentjie
binnekort my vriend
ek se

So this white dude
sends my wife a message
telling het of his new
white wife
Nothing wrong with that
or is there?
see he used to have
a black wife
and now he is bragging
to a coloured lady
about his white wife
Eish brother
why bother
u are wasting your time
we do not buy
into this color thing
I have friends
that feel  uncomfortable
around this issue
they even accused
me of being racist
in their indignation
to prove
they are not racist
So what is new?
nothing is new
the Bible even say's so
My friend
I walk the talk
if I am angry
with a black man
I tell him to his face
I do not use derogatory terms
to belittle him
behind his back
If I smaak
a black chick
I tell her to her face
I do not go look
at interracial porn
to satisfy my lust
a "coloured" auntie
told me to be nice
to my Son In-law
because he is a
"decent person"
What rubbish
I he was not
I would never allow him
close to my princess
no matter the intensity
of the melanin content of his skin
You see for some
it is easy to pretend
they do not segregate
by their own choice
segregation is a
natural phenomenon
kind seeks kind
without help or guidance
My friend do not
be afraid to use
the dreaded "K"
word in my presence
I know the world is not perfect
that is your choice and I respect
My wife is sometimes
more racist than I am
and I allow her
because I know her soul
and don't judge her
by mere words
I love my fellow man/woman
for what they do
not for what they say
God has no color
He/She is not Human
our human mind
immediately conjure up
an image that suits
our preference
when the Bible mentions
we were created in His image
O how surprised we
are going to be
when we meet Him
face to face
I would love to hear
the explanations
of why we are not racist
because He is not
of our race
So feel free in my presence
to speak your mind
I will not tolerate
violence of any form
If you want to be obnoxious
is shall quietly walk away
You are a prisoner
of your fear
and prejudice
and it feel
empathy for you
because  South Africa
must be a scary place
for someone
like you
I love Africa
I love South Africa
I think it has
a bright future
Foolish politicians
will perish before
they totally ruin it
because right minded
people will act to
preserve our hard fought
democracy irrespective
of their skin colour
demographics dictate
that most violent crime
will be perpetuated
to the majority
The same death awaits us all
Do you for one moment
think that your race dies
more gruesomely than
other races
u are mistaken
visit the state mortuary
and you shall be astounded
to what people do to their
own kind
We feel the same pain
we suffer the same anguish
at the loss of
a loved one
we grief the same way
shed the same tears
tears have no colour
my friend
and blood remains red
So chill
I do not have time
for senseless debates
I like you because
you are a friend
I love you because
u are human like me
your politics and
your religion and
your sexual orientation
your race and culture
and ethnicity
does not matter to me
Peace and love
be with you
my brothers and sisters
 So my young friend
you are ready to rule
the known Universe
with your infinite
gained in a Nano second
I remember
cleaning  a little
body from "gunk"
after I watched
fighting for air
when you excited
your mother's womb
and entered
into Life
Do you know
who you are
do you know
how you fit
in your jeans
do you know
your gene
the basic physical unit of heredity; a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA that provides the coded instructions for synthesis of RNA, which, when translated into protein, leads to the expression of hereditary character
Ok I borrowed
that from a book
Let me tell you
when you disregard
your parents
that you exist
because of them
and they
because of theirs
ad infinitum
in the big
scheme of things
u r a particle
of dust
on a huge rock
hurtling through space
rotating around
it's own axis
like it has
done for
billions of years
Yes I too
started like that
and nearly 7 billion
that identify
as human
realise that
when u start
how beautiful
and unique
you are
How it is
that u can become
the one
that makes
know your place
realise your potential
and never forget
that greatness
has small
when you
can grasp that
tell me again
that I know
and cannot ad
to your
First know
and know
before u
your nonsensical
My wish
for you
is that you
what you
were created to be
May peace and love
be with you forever
little one

I know
During any year
you can do a survey
at universities
and be astounded
at how few students
master a difficult subject
like chemistry
and yet some
attain distinctions
The same goes for
people "knowing" their
Bible or Holy book
My Mother in law
is a devout Christian
and is in the process
of reading her whole Bible
for the third time
I know people that
follow Islam can recite
the Koran from memory
Some Christians
are obsessed
with "knowing"
their Bible
and can quote Bible verses
ad infinitum
The question is however
how much of it
do they really
grasp and understand
We have concordances
and summaries
and analysis
of every minute
detail of our
beloved Book
trillions of man hours
later and we still know little
simply because
we cannot agree
on certain issues
based on our own prejudice
The problem is
our diversity
and our uniqueness
Holy books are inspired
by forces beyond us
Mere knowledge
does not suffice
in "understanding"
We need intuition
and insight
as well
We need wisdom
and we need
by the forces
that "planted"
"The Word'
Even the Bible
For false messiahs
 and false prophets
 will rise up and perform
 signs and wonders
so as to deceive
, if possible,
 even God's chosen ones.
That is our
saving Grace
Some will not
be misled
The trick my dear
friends is
that we should have
a solid
and longstanding relationship
with the author
of The Word
Not the ones who
scribed it
the One
who inspired it.
So who
do you trust
to imbibe
crucial knowledge?
One day we
shall know
and until then
we shall Trust
we shall Believe
we shall
have Faith
Peace and love
be with you
my brothers and sisters




  1. If any person wants
    To ask me how
    To start a small
    I will tell them
    Do what you love
    Or do what you are
    Good at

  2. Let Tata

    Enjoy his last

    Days in peace

    And with dignity

    A great South African

    Is greeting.

    Go well Tata

    sobonana Madiba.

  3. Never be lulled
    Into “confessing”
    To people
    They will judge you
    And later on use
    Your own words
    To “punish” you

  4. I accept

    I Am


    Is beckoning

    Thank you my friend

    For awakening

    The Me in I

  5. Our Evolution as humans will be complete when we understand we are meant to Love each other. doulos2013/04/19

  6. Wel gedaan

    Ou vriend

    Kom veilig


  7. We are not Soil

    We are Soul

    The moment

    We break free

    From Terra Firma

    We become free

    Let us put man

    Back into Human

    And remove humus

    You my dear

    Brothers and sisters

    Are splendid beings

    Never forget that


  8. Simply because you are loved

    Now I am exited

    and I shall Exalt

    an Almighty God

    for the miracles

    and abundance

    that He brought

    Into my life

    since that day.

  9. Let me take you on a journey

    my companion in cyberspace

    a journey that you may

    or may not savour

    as much as I do

  10. will update this post

    until 7 June

    Try to look as this video

    Through the eyes of my soul

    forget race, age, religion and

    any other hang up

    and see where I come

    from and u will

    experience my joy

  11. Ek is nie bang nie,( Sorry Lohan Grobleer(Proud Creations0 for using your quote.
    I am not Afraid or ashamed of my Rainbow Family and I shall satnd on the Rooftop
    to shout it out loud. Today my grandchild and her fathet were baptised. They were
    accepted into the loving family circle of Christ our Lord. Oh bu the way this is not
    the image be patient until 12Midnight 7 July and I shall publish it.

  12. Well us guys and specially some dudes

    like Kings and so on tend to

    wax lyrical about the subjects of

    our undying burning loins.

  13. Happy 50th

    My African Queen

    My Barbie

  14. With the imminent death

    Of an icon

    We are again confronted

    With death

  15. Seek Him

    My beloved

    Brothers and sisters

    The One that

    Created you

    Is longing to meet you

    As much as your soul

    Is craving to be

    Reunited with Him

    Peace and love

    Be with you forever



  16. Soveel jare
    Soveel jare, Pappe en Mams
    Veilig by jul vader
    bring ons nader
    laat ons weer
    soos goster
    kinners tesame
    vertroosting vind
    Trane vloei
    my hart bloei
    Ek eer my ouers
    dra op my skouers
    die taak vanversoening
    Mammie die kinnertjies
    is nie honger
    hul baljaar sommer
    in Afrika se son
    julle gene blom
    meer siele kom
    ons sal weer\
    tesame kom
    voor ons
    met jul verenig
    al doen ek
    dit alenig
    kan ek nie
    meer terug sit
    en aanhou bid
    sonder dade
    ek verklaar
    vorr die hemelskaar
    ek lief julle
    en AL jul kinders
    julle kind

  17. Men I am unashamed
    to be associated with
    'Die sout van die aaarde"
    Nie net ons ses nie
    almal wat die tyd
    en spasie met ons gedeel het

  18. I shall simply
    Love "Him"
    my neighbour
    and myself.
    My conscious
    will guide me

  19. Listen, little one: neither the seven stories of heaven nor the seven stories of the earth are enough to contain God; but a man's heart can contain him. So be very careful, Alexis — and may my blessing go with you — never to wound a man's heart!

  20. when someone
    say's Sorry
    I can't hear you.
    Understand the turmoil
    they are going through
    Communication is
    a crucial part of
    our lives

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Peace be with you Madiba

    love be with you Tata

    Floating in and out

    of consciousness

    touching the robe

    of celestial beings

    and then the warm

    flesh of a kinsman

    gently float towards

    the light that

    is beckoning you

    carried on our prayers

    buoyed by our tears

    your place is


    gilded by humbleness

    feathered with love

    the granite of resolve

    shielding you

    I shall miss you Father

    your memory


    etched in my heart



  23. Terwyl jy in die

    stof van die bos

    agter gediertes aanploeter

    ploeter ek aan met my prentjie

    binnekort my vriend


    ek se




  24. I love you because

    u are human like me

    your politics and

    your religion and

    your sexual orientation

    your race and culture

    and ethnicity

    does not matter to me

    Peace and love

    be with you

    my brothers and sisters




  25. So my young friend

    you are ready to rule

    the known Universe

    with your infinite


    gained in a Nano second

  26. So who

    do you trust

    to imbibe


    crucial knowledge?
