the moer in, furious; enraged. verb. 4. (transitive) to attack (someone or something) violently. from Afrikaans, literally: mother.

So Mom moered usI got moered twice
once because we were naughty
the second time
because I did not stop
my sister from being naughty
We were poor
and I suppose
she thought
we had to be disciplined
to protect us
from worse things
today we know different
today we understand
that violence
does not solve anything
we evolved
or did we
never moered my children
they turned out Ok
they excelled
are balanced
and know exactly
what they want
from life
there is this boy
who is always
in trouble
for being "naughty"
he comes from
a severely dysfunctional family
he visited us
and I helped him bake
he loved it
he was allowed to do something
he wanted to do
at home he would be smacked
and moered
because his father
says he is not amoffie (homosexual)
and cannot bake
as it is a girl's activity
I noticed that he is hyper sensitive
he avoids touch
because his skin is sensitive
I recognized his"problem"
because my little girl
had the same symptoms
we are fortunate
we could act and help
her overcome
we have the financial ability
to do so
she is thriving
I ranted at his mother
I scolded his Grand Parents
I begged them
to understand
and help him
instead of punishing him
I know because
I was that little boy
scared to death
punished for it
forced to be a "man"
I turned out OK
because I looked
for help as an adult
I realized my rebelliousness
had a cause
and I faced that problem
head on
My older daughter
once told me
"Daddy you do not have a guardian Angel
you have an Army of them"
Yes my child
I do
I know I do
I write this
for every child
out there
who needs one
In the hope
they will know
they are loved
that there are people
who care
who understands
that love
can cure
and to urge
love yourself
"Daddy you do not have a guardian Angel
ReplyDeleteyou have an Army of them"
Yes my child
I do
I know I do
I write this
for every child
out there
who needs one
In the hope
they will know
they are loved
that there are people
who care
who understands
that love
can cure
and to urge
love yourself