
African Venus

African Venus

My relationship with Venus started many moons ago, after I found my true love.
She was living in me since childhood. I spent many hours in a library in Nigel looking at "forbidden" pictures of African women in all their naked glory.It was illegal but I was attracted like a moth to a candle.
Finally when Nelson Mandela walked free, I was set free. I married my African Queen. I bought Venus and planted a garden at our new home. Venus was grey, cast in concrete and served as a water feature.
 My African Queen under the Vine in her leafy suburb. She set me free and we were like most lovers enjoying life to the full. Venus was standing in a circle surrounded with Plants. 

Georgina Sada(Ackerman) posing in front of Venus. he little boy is now a young man and they are st living in Britain
Alas time erodes and after replacing many water pumps her bar finally corroded so much it could not be repaired. She stood lonely and forlorn next to the house and the ravages of time took its toll on her.
The ravages of time also took its toll in our lives and after more than 15 years I decided to rebirth Venus.My health deteriorated and I spent less time in my garden and as things eroded so did our relationship but it survived all.
I blame it ob Venus. her accusing stares, every time I passed her standing lonesome without water,plants or bird friends.
it was a cruel fate and I swear I once saw a tear emanating from her eyes,while sipping whiskey in the Garden under a full moon.
She was guarding me. Speaking to my soul,patiently waiting for me to realize I am destroying myself. She silently called in the dead of night whispering to me. "Wake up,smell the roses, i miss yoy and the garden is starving for lack of food and water". Yes i heard Venus and I acted because I love her so.

Removing my mask and replacing it with a cast of Venus.In doing so removing the pain inside me
and transferring it. Venus would  have none of that. She wanted love and attention and care.
Finally I succumb to her silent pleas. I start renovating Venus. bringing her back to her full glory.

I gave her a sheltered spot on the front porch and surrounded her with plants. i built the pots from dry wooden stumps. i built her a bath casting it out of cement. I even made her a necklace from wooden beads and curtain hooks. With our love ever so slightly rekindled, I bide my time. building pots,carting in stumps, from my Home in Utrecht. feeding the Garden,watering it.Welcoming back the birds.
 I treated the stumps,built a pond. Supplied a power point and finally Venus had the spot she deserved in my Garden. The place in my heart was full again,the place I reserved for Venus. I am feeling more complete and more contempt . The images that follow bears testimony to that.
So my life has turned around. i was re birthed,the day I rekindled my love for Venus. Two doves kissing. It is Spring and after many years of drought,there is joy in my heart finally.

1 comment:

  1. So my life has turned around. i was re birthed,the day I rekindled my love for Venus. Two doves kissing. It is Spring and after many years of drought,there is joy in my heart finally.
