
The Vision behind Two Sparrows

Simply because you are loved

If at first you do not succeed
You carry on and persevere
it is also called ,having faith
Those who knows
will tell you, you must have a business plan
Those who Govern will demand it
Those who hold the purse strings
will not give a cent
until you provide it
But they lie
Ask the bank for money
and they require you to
give them statements over two years
proving your small business
is viable
If I listened to them
if I racked my brain
for clever phrases
to make a Mission statement
if I tried to compose
a Vision
my business would never have taken of
I have a cash flow statement
over a period of 36 months
I have a business plan
with all the bells and whistles
that was signed off by an auditor
and that business
never realised
The auditor cheated me
and "sold" it to a Prophet
as her own work
so I had Provident Fund money
when I requested a voluntary
retrenchment package
and I was scared, very scared
To suddenly find out, there is no pay cheque
at the end of the month
and you do not have an income any more is sobering
Then the hardships started
the fights at home intensified
and I did odd jobs
here and there
They never lasted, they never gave what they promised
you are on your own and those, who have
will abuse you, to take away the little bit you have
your skills and experience, gained over years of hard work
will be mined and sucked dry until you
decide it is enough and leave.
So now you realise, I have to do my own thing to survive
The odds are stacked against you
believe me when you enter the business world
on your own is a very lonely, cold and dark place.
I was in the gutter, I was defeated and devastated
I was ill and my body refused to play along
People started avoiding me
the situation in my marriage turned from bad to worse
I was in a deep and dark pit
kneeling down in Rehab
I cried out to God and he answered
"But Frans,I saved you"
that was the turning point
I started using my Trademark
and slogan
They were "given to me" many years ago
when I was recovering from a Heart Attack
At that time I did not know, what I would do with them
Yet I registered a company called Intaka Ezimbili
I registered a Trademark and slogan
Then my wife came to me with
an article about a wonderful plant
they called it a "Miracle Plant"
We started working together
for the first time in more than ten years of marriage
Monica researched and canvassed
I put figures together and did viability studies
we poured a lot of our money and time
into this exercise We Registered a company
through lawyers, designed logos
and packaging
and made 100% sure we are within the ambit of the law
it took a lo of time and a lot of frustration
First we sourced our product locally
at a heavily inflated price
Then we started importing ourselves
It was tough going, help was scarce
and contacts even scarcer
We persevered
and today I reveal
part of my new drive
to grow our business
That story Tanya Tucker is singing about
is our story
two little sparrows of different hues
that tackled life head on
against all odds
and never said Never
so my friend
a Vision and mission statement
you will find embedded in the sweat of my brow
you will find it in our unshakable faith
you will find it in our honesty and integrity
in a nutshell
Simply because you are loved
Now you understand


  1. That story Tanya Tucker is singing about

    is our story

    two little sparrows of different hues

    that tackled life head on

    against all odds

    and never said Never

    so my friend

    a Vision and mission statement

    you will find embedded in the sweat of my brow

    you will find it in our unshakable faith

    you will find it in our honesty and integrity

    in a nutshell

    Simply because you are loved

    Now you understand

  2. so my friend
    a Vision and mission statement
    you will find embedded in the sweat of my brow
    you will find it in our unshakable faith
    you will find it in our honesty and integrity
    in a nutshell
    Simply because you are loved
    Now you understand
