- A snapshot of my life after I was "saved" by booking myself into Rehab for Alcholism.
- Pictures read from left to right,then down.
- Intaka Ezimbili my trademark- It took me four years to register and I did not have a clue what it would do or produce, it was and act of faith. I applied 20 April 2004 and was finally granted on 23 January 2008.
- A page in one of the books my sister Hilda gave me during 2006. The comment reads. pappie 1960-Voltooing van sy studies. My father finished his studies the year I was born and was ordained as Ds. J.A.J Olwagen. he later became a Pastor with the Apostolic faith Mission and died at the age of 37(when I was about two years old)
- My father Ds.J.A.J. Olwagen(Jannie). he had a namesake Ds.J.A.J.Olwagen(Attie) who became a Moderator of his Church and was well known countrywide.
- A prayer I wrote into a prayer book at Mt Zion, Beulah Park. It was 26 August 2004, I poured my heart out to God.
- A prayer at Mt Zion 19 July 2007 after I received the news about my legs.
- A prayer two months earlier 29 June 2004. I praise God for answering my prayers, and my slogan "simply because u are loved" is born.
- An artist impression of a Church, that we wanted to help build in Reiger Park. it became Intaka ezimbili's first project.
- X rays of my legs with arteries blocke behind both knees. i could not walk far any more without extreme pain. Docters wanted to operate immediately to do by-pass surgery on both legs. i refused and saie"God will heal me". I still walk with difficulty and got fat because of all my illness, however things are getting better every day. 10 June 2007.
- A page from Matthew Henry's Commentry on the whole Bible. a set of six books, my sister gave me,together with all his other study books and bibles. June 2006 - I went to Botswana to fetch my father's books. This after I pleade with my wife's sisters to buy her a bible after she accepted jesus into her life for the first time. I only had a tattered and torn bible. I scrapped money together from nowhere and bought myself, Monica, our Domestic and Monica's son Bibles. Shortly after I received a Library of bibles, that was my only inheratance from my father. god works in mysterious ways.
- The meaning of my daughter Krissmonne's name(born 12 December 2000). When my wife was pregnant with her we both did not attend church. On choosing a name I suggested, Christopher, if it is a boy and Krissmonne(combination of Christoffel and Monica) if it is a girl. Two s's an m's deliberate as my father misspelt my younger sisters name with the same, when he went to register het. (Sussanna) We did not have a clue of how Powerful the meaning of that name was.
- Intaka's logo. I designed this after i had a vision. I was sitting on the steps of the old Roseacres Clinic in Primrose after recuperating from a heart attack, the third one. I read one of the Bibles in the bedside table. Mt 10:29Mt 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. {farthing: it is in value halfpenny farthing in the original, as being the tenth part of the Roman penny 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.1Sa 14:45; 2Sa 14:11; Lu 21:18; Ac 27:34 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. I begged the nurse to keep the bible and she refused me. It meant so much to me I registered a company .
- A Painting my sister Hilda,painted for me in Botswana during 2006. I comissioned it when i had a vision at my Mother In Laws house in Utrecht. We were talking about snakes and rats and I said she should get guinea fowl, as the are very protective over their nests and would attack any vermin. i prophecied that they would come and showed het a tree where they would sleep. Three monts later she phoned me, ther was a guinea fowl in het chicken coup, that I built her. She thought it belonged to someone and left it there as they would collect it,aftre she maid an announcement in church about it. three months later we visited her, there were a breeding pair in her yard with 16 offspring. Coincedence,chance ? you decide.
- A template of a puzzle box I designed to raise funds t build a church.
The Next period
- I had a stroke, that left me completely deaf. I was fired in ICU because i could not fulfill my contract. My wife was away to bury her brother. I had no friends, no visitors no sympathy and worst all no prayers. I did not eat for 11 days in ICU. I was at deaths door, I could not breath.I panicked.Death is not pretty. My biggest fear- I will never hear my little girl say"Dady I love you". All I did was pray - night and day and cry without tears the pain in my soul was unbearable. I asked God to end my life, He declined an I now praise and thank Him for it. I can hear again, only functionally deaf. Cannot hear on Cell phones, a lttle on landlines, well face to face provided there is no external noise.
- My daughter got married, I attended but did not feel well. back at home is had a black out, wa admitted in Hospital with neumonia and discharged after three days. later I felt worse. The doctors did not pick up I had another heart attack. my lungs were full of water. Again I ended uo in ICU. They told my wife they could do little for me. I Heard it. Death's door again.This time my wife and Krissmonne visited. No other visitors. In out of ICU and back for seven days. Fasted and prayed night and day. A kind doctor, gave me "the gift of life", I Heard that. I know have a Pacemaker, cost a small fortune. i finally can move about more, be more active, loose weight I gained through months of Il health. I Prais God I am alive.
- Still do not work. Business ground to a halt due to health. Finances desperately low. Every time I fall down I pray look up and thank God, then I get up and try again.
INCOLN, ABRAHAM (1809–1865)
Sixteenth president of the United States, 1861–1865
I sincerely hope father may recover his health; but at all events tell him to remember to call upon and confide in our great and good and merciful Maker, who will not turn away from him in any extremity. He notes the fall of a sparrow and numbers the hair of our head, and He will not forget the dying man who puts his trust in Him.”