
I Want

I want
I Want
I can quote the bible
Millions do
Billions read it
So clever people tell me
120 billion
People walked earth
Since the beginning
Old books tell me
For each of these
There are six angels
And many more demons
The fight “up there”
Is enormous
It is new year
And I want
Yes I also need
“they”, the Pharisees
Will say
It is a sin to want
So what can I ask God?
And know I shall get it
Because I “deserve” it
His grace is sufficient
My wife tells me
That is so
If I know “Him”
Or rather Them
And I find my joy
In them
The Holy book tells me
I can ask
What my heart desires
Sounds unlikely
Sounds impossible
Sounds incredible
I can have what I want
This year we are
All seven billion of us
Hoping for something better
And They
Promise us
The three who are one
Tells us
We can ask what we want
If they make us happy
So the atheists say
Crunch the numbers silly
How can one God
Listen to more than
7 billion people,
All at the same time,
And pay attention,
To each of them?
That my dear friend
Is THE Secret
The biggest secret
And the most well-known fact
For more than two thousand new years
So my numbers tell me
There are nearly a trillion Angels
And my Holy book tells me
That they are at God’s
Beck and call 24/7
Without sustenance, without sleep
His messengers,
And they are lightning fast
And can transcend
The entire universe
In the blink of an eye
So I tell you
I create my want
I do not ask Him
What He wants for me
I ask Him
Father I want
Because you promised me
And I know
Nothing is impossible to Him
I cannot limit
The Omnipotent
With my limited grey matter
Always I ask four things
Wisdom ,Insight, Love and Faith
And that makes me Happy
And I Love Him
It gives me joy
And I start creating my wish
And leave it up to the Angels
To tell Him
And I wait
For my miracle
And I get it, that my dear brothers and sisters
Is the real Secret
Peace and love be with you in this New Year
And for thousands to come

1 comment:

  1. I ask Him

    Father I want

    Because you promised me

    And I know

    Nothing is impossible to Him

    I cannot limit

    The Omnipotent

    With my limited grey matter

    Always I ask four things

    Wisdom ,Insight, Love and Faith

    And that makes me Happy

    And I Love Him

    It gives me joy

    And I start creating my wish

    And leave it up to the Angels

    To tell Him

    And I wait

    For my miracle

    And I get it, that my dear brothers and sisters

    Is the real Secret
