
My Diary March 2014

Justice is a blind bitch on steroids
Oscar is finding it out
the hard way
and so will Shrien
if  he finally is extradited
I spent days and months
in the Supreme Court of Pretoria
as a court Reporter
So I know, be it a little
I also took on an Union
harbouring a theft syndicate
and I won all 42 cases
although it took two years
and nearly cost me my life
We must blame the Dutch,
the Romans and the Pommy Empire
for our justice system
No 1 realised long ago
He needs the Judiciary
and the Security cluster
to force himself
and his ideology
on the people
But is there justice ?
Yes there is
with the proviso
you have money and lots of it
an Abused wife fighting
 her criminal husband
in court for divorce
has little chance
An Advocate said
deposit R60 K in my bank account
and you are rid of him
in three days guaranteed
bur you do not have money
and now it could take years
The other alternative is to
take him out
In our country that means
pay  a criminal to kill him
That will only cost 5K
The courts are overburdened
welfare workers overworked
the police corrupt
so an ordinary man/woman
stands little chance
to receive justice
We will go through the motions
and all emotions
with the Oscar case
Procedure will be followed
substantive proof,
beyond a shadow of a doubt
will be bandied about
and a reasonable man
may or may not walk free
the deceased will remain dead
justice for her
is already in another realm
she cannot get her life back
At the end of the day
the winner will be
the one with the best
team behind him/her
and that will cost millions
Justice is
our collective conscience
unfortunately it is in the hands
of the state
and if you do not have
political connections
in our beloved democracy
you may be denied justice
The system is flawed
the orderlies overworked
and underpaid
No 1 is confidant
the majority,
will even change the constitution
and then my friend
we are lost
and Justice
comes to naught
So we shall ride
the emotional rollercoaster
with Oscar and with Reeva's family
Justice will run it's course
and will be served
or will it
You be the judge
peace and love be with you
my brothers and sisters
and may the Almighty afford
you true justice
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It tears trough my soul
it sounds distant
and I clearly hear the agony rasping away
a woman's screams for help
She is hyperventilating
her mouth contorting gaping for air
she tries to protect herself with her arms
I tell my wife to bring her water
I hold her hug her and comfort her
It was a terrible dream
the bastard that taunted her for 11 years
invaded her dreams with a roaring car
This girl grew up in front of me
I feel her pain intensely
like I feel the pain when my
 own daughters are in distress
Just moments ago we were talking
and smoking, plotting a way
through the court case that looms
A Young mother of three children
one just a baby
"I will fight this, even if it kills me
at least then I will die because
I stood up for myself"
I rebuke the image and ask her
to do the same
She is beautifull
her eyes reflects
the pain and trauma she
 has suffered for so long
My anger threatens to erupt
vulgar bile rising in me
choking me
I want to be all over him 'like a
 pack of wild African dogs
I want to tear the flesh of him
and devour him
while he screams
 like the coward he is
My conscious screams Noooo!
"Fuck this I had enough
I shout back at it"
I make her a cup
of warm milk with honey
We will be there for you
I promise and I intend
 keeping that promise
Stop the Genocide against Eve
bring peace and love my brothers
to our sisters, that are under siege
If you are men take up the sword
This scourge of the ages must stop
and all it takes
are a few good men acting.

At last freedom
One woman rising
Breaking the shackles
brave and courageous
facing the storm
one word
It holds all
the promise of a new life
a future for her children
she broke the shackles
she conquered
the fear
she faced her tormentor
the one she once loved
he brutalised her
he degraded her
he beat her to a pulp
he wanted to kill her
I am free
born free
watch me rise
watch me grow
watch me blossom
my body suffered
my soul stays free
bring it on
bring on the future
I am ready
I am woman
I am strong
be free my beloved sisters
have peace and love
protect them brothers
set them free

S    p    a   c   e

How did I get here ?
in my own little space ?
It is mine
do not invade it
I share it with whom I will
If you approach
I shall move away
and take my space with me
Even if you brutalise me
even if you try to kill me
or invade my body forcefully
you shall leave without my space
It may be small now
shrunk by life's storms
my own disappointment
my own deeds
it is still mine
Now I am enlarging it
now I expand it
I take back my territory
and maybe just maybe
I  shall let someone in
My babies invade it
they are comfortable there
I feed them with love
nourish them with my soul
they are me
I am them
even naked and poor
we are rich
and enjoy abundance
in my little space
My  beauty my charm
my being, my warmth
my love and heartache
decorates my little space
Peace and love be with you
my brothers and sisters
fill your space


If I bare my soul
know this blog is not about me
I share because I care
and just maybe
I will hit a chord
I am going through
a lot of stress
reaching out
to try and save
a situation
to keep a mother
and her children together
so yesterday I freaked
for no apparent reason
I went ballistic
shouting at Sherbert our dog
because he was barking
without stopping
my wife said
I went crazy
Why though?
I tried to rationalise
my behaviour
lying in bed praying
I am dead tired
from little sleep
then it struck me
then I realised
I am a little boy
a dreamer
soft and gentle
too gentle to
my family's licking
I must be made a man
I must be tough
so I feel in love  with a puppy
there were a few
I was taken away
with the puppies
in a box
don to an extension
that was developed
close to the spruit
I watched them being shot
one by one
Bang ,bamg, bang
then I had to toss
their dead bodies into the water
That image is
 edged into my conscious
Yes dear wife I went crazy
trying o protect a little dog
trying to stop "them"(He)
from murdering them
and I cannot tell you
Am too ashamed
of my weakness
I know
you do not read my blog
 and why should you?
Peace and love be with you
my beloved brothers and sisters



 I can take so much
'Til I've had enough

Cause I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human





  1. So we shall ride

    the emotional rollercoaster

    with Oscar and with Reeva's family

    Justice will run it's course

    and will be served

    or will it

    You be the judge

  2. Yes
    I am free
    born free
    watch me rise
    watch me grow
    watch me blossom
    my body suffered
    my soul stays free
    bring it on
    bring on the future
    I am ready
    I am woman
    I am strong
