


She lived in a small place in town.her husband was a builder,many years her senior.
he worked mostly out of town.he had Livestock and planted maize.
it was Apartheid years.They were known as Coloureds(Mixed race) living in the white part of town as opposed to the Bantu Township.(a place designated for non whites outside of Town)
Her husband was much liked,even by the white Boere(farmers) because he liked rugby.He was allowed to watch rugby with the whites.His ten children were not and had to look through the fence.
A Town Councilor stepped in to help her.He argued in a council meeting that it was inhuman to expect a family of twelve to live in two rooms and that they should allow the man to build a proper home in town.
her husban had already had building plans drawn up that he submitted to the Town Council numerous times.It was rejected every time until this benevolent Councillor convinced them otherwise.By law the council had to recod their every posession down to crockery and cutlery everything was counted and recorded. "They invaded my place  and counted everything,I had to unpack everything.They even looked under beds and couches and I had to empty wardrobes and drawers."
They had an outside bucket toilet and no electricity or running water.her husband drilled a borehole for water.
She feared white people because some of them were so cruel towards people of other races.her great Grandfather was a Boer and her great Grandmother was a Black girl so technically she is related to whites.
Her children were "Classified" as different shades of black.Some were Coloured, some Cape Coloured and two even "Black".
Eventually her husband was given permission to build them a proper home.he had to forsake some of his land and was given a plot to build on.
For the first time they had access to electricity and running water in their home.She still lives there as she did for the past 83 years and everybody knows her as "Tannie Meraai"(Aunty Meraai) and officially she is Mrs Maria Smith from Generaal Street in Utrecht KZN.
Her husband died many years ago and she had to raise all ten her children,some still very small alone.She worked as a store clerk at a General Dealer and supplemented her income with embroidery and raising chickens.
She had a huge heart and adopted several children into her  home who had no other means.She also raised several of her grandchildren,while their mothers worked in Johannesburg.
This woman became my mentor and spiritual teacher after I married one of her daughters.We had our differences and we had plenty of arguments. She grew on me as she does on many and she crept into my heart. A loving,wise Matriarch. A strong woman, a pillar in society and always available to listen and give advice.
My own mother died many years ago and I remember her fondly and If she was still alive I am certain that the two of them would have been friends.
I Salute you Meraai.
may God bless you profusely.
may you live many more years.
I love you.

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